[S1 E7]: Baller Wives: Twitter

The Andy Network
26 min readSep 15, 2022

The scene picks up in Los Angeles where the women have gathered for Charlotte’s intervention…

Cassie, Calista, Blair, Joi, Brittany, Serenity, Charlotte & Doug

Cassie: Charlotte you need to STOP. You were just telling the women you don’t know me well? But now I’m calling you?

Calista: Charlotte you need to stop deflecting my dear. This, again, is apart of the process. You’re going to deflect and I know it’s hard to hear but look at everyone here.

Cassie: The alcohol got her imagining things DOUG! HELP HER!!! SHE NEEDS REHAB!!!

Charlotte: You’re a liar!! You’re delusional and you need help Babygirl. You can’t be a real friend, wife, or mother

Cassie: A real friend tries to save their friend from alcoholism

Joi: Wow, this is horrible. Cassie is a big damn BULLY!

Cassie: And you are a big horse-looking bitch now shut up!

Joi: Cassie, who are you to accuse her of being an alcoholic? Sit the fuck somewhere you pale ass ostrich!

Cassie: RUN OFF SEABISCUIT *points at Joi*

Charlotte gets up and walks away as suspenseful music starts to play. She’s stopped by producers

Charlotte: I won’t be doing this.

Calista: Lock the door! Don’t let her leave!

Joi: Now you’re holding her against her will! Sue they asses, Charlotte!

Cassie: Let her go!! DOUG you better drive this bitch you know she put liquor in that coffee!!

The producers move their hands and let Charlotte go. Doug follows her, asking if she’s okay

Calista: Cassie, you handle that big booty trick, I’ll talk to Charlotte.

Calista walks past production over to Charlotte

Calista: Babe, babe. Calm down and listen to me. I’m going to follow you to let you know I’m being sincere. I know you despise my guts but I’m not here to hurt you. I don’t want to see you suffering

Charlotte: Calista, I’d appreciate it if you really just leave me alone. I don’t need your shade right now! That was so fucking hurtful! I never in my life imagined that would happen to me.

Charlotte Confessional: My dad was an alcoholic and my uncles were too. For these girls to do something like this really hurts.

Calista: No one does but at some point you need to come to a realization like I did about my marriage. At first, I’ll admit, I was doing this for payback but then I realize there is a deeper issue here

Charlotte: *starts boohooing* I’m tired!! I’m tired!! I need to go

Calista: Charlotte you need to calm down before your blood pressure goes up! Do we have a portable fan? She needs some air!

Charlotte: I have to go…

Charlotte walks out

Calista: Doug, please take care of her please. I’m sorry it didn’t go the way we wanted.

Doug: I will. Thank you, Calista.

Doug walks out and follows Charlotte into a car. As they’re driving off the cameras return to the living room where Cassie and Joi are in the middle of a screaming match

Joi: Cassie you are a lowlife bully! Were you the dumb child in school? You ain’t no damn motivational speaker. You tear other women down! Cassie is a bullying ass ostrich!

Cassie: I’m a bully? Look at you biggie talking down to me because I’m smaller than you. Your surgeries made you look like a freak show. I’d pay a $20 to see you hula hoop at the circus

Joi: Stretch that neck out Ostrich!

Cassie: You big botched circus freak!! What don’t you get? I care about Charlotte!!

Joi: You don’t. If you did, you would’ve hired a professional. Not a freelancer

Brittany Confessional: I’m truly exhausted by all that’s taken place this morning. This group is NUTS. I always feel like I’m the only sane one with regard for other people’s feelings.

Joi: *yelling to Blair* When are y’all going to hold Cassie accountable? You need to sit up out that seat and speak the truth!?

Blair: Don’t raise your voice at me, what’s wrong with you?

Blair Confessional: Since when did this fall on me? Fuck off Joi.

Cassie: Joi go ride in the backseat of the drunks car. Hope you don’t end up as roadkill

Calista returns

Calista: Guys she’s really upset…

Brittany: I can imagine! She was hurt last night at the game and she was hurt today on a trip she organized.

Joi: Exactly Brittany

Brittany: I can’t lie, I’d want to put a hit out on you and you *points at Cassie and Calista* if you did this to me.

Calista: Oh Brittany fuck off because you haven’t been a good friend. You sit there and you enjoy it.

Brittany: And you haven’t been a good wife. Worry about a fucking divorce you bitch!

Calista: And I will! And I will!

Brittany: I’m so sick of how you treat me like you’re above me

Calista: No I’m tired of you being a bad friend to me!

Brittany: I don’t do anything malicious to anyone, I’m the only one that’s tried to keep this group together. You want to throw it in my face that I brought up your affair, fine.

Calista: Every chance you get, you throw my marriage in my fucking face like yours is perfect!

Brittany: Let’s just stop pretending that you’re my friend anymore.

Calista: Okay good. We aren’t friends. Glad we have that understanding. A prime example of you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife.

Brittany: You’re right, you fall short of any mother’s dream

Calista: We know Wyatt’s mother would definitely agree

Calista Confessional: I’m so done with Juniper. This is not the same girl who I was friends with but you live and you learn.

Brittany: You’re a 40 year old aspiring Instagram girl without as much as a Wikipedia page or a headline mention. *walks away to room* I have to finish packing and get the hell away from your toxicity.

The women all leave the room as the scene turns to an unknown city’s skyline at nightime and into a penthouse

Cassie is seen walking around the kitchen and setting the table


Cassie Confessional My husband and I are in Chicago for the week at our penthouse. It’s been nice to get out of Twitter and do some relaxing away from the women ahead of my product launch. Thankfully I’ve had a lot of time alone in Chicago since he’s been out at the Bulls training camp this week. I’ll pass on that! *laughs*

The phone rings as Cassie is setting the table

Cassie: Hey gorgeous!

Stanley (Event Manager): Hey doll face. Sorry to bother you on your little trip, but I wanted to run something by you really quickly. C

Cassie: No worries, what’s going on? ‘

Stanley: For the launch, we were thinking all white everything. What are your thoughts?

Cassie: That would be cute but honestly, I’m all about meeting people where they are. I don’t want a strict dress code.

Stanley: Okay, good to know. Well everything is good mama and we are ready! See you when you get back! Enjoy Chicago!

Cassie: Thanks babe, I always do.

Cassie Confessional: My product launch is extremely important to me. Launching my new nail kit line that will help people with their sobriety will be so rewarding. Anything to help women like Charlotte.

Cassie’s husband walks into the room and gives her a kiss


Thomas: Cassie this dinner smells remarkable.

Cassie: Thanks my love, you know I seldom cook so enjoy.

The two sit down and begin to eat

Thomas: Cassie, I’ve been thinking…

Cassie: About basketball? *laughs*

Thomas: No *laughs* well yes but also the dinner we went to a couple of weeks ago with Brittany and Wyatt

Flashback to Cassie and Thomas’s dinner with Brittany and Wyatt discussing potentially having kids

Cassie: Oh yeah?

Cassie Confessional: Having dinner with Brittany and Wyatt, it was embarrassingly clear that Thomas and I are not on the same page when it comes to birthing a child.

Thomas: Yeah, I don’t get why you won’t open your mind to us having a child.

Cassie: It’s not about that Thomas, you know my struggles with addiction.

Thomas: What does that have to do with you having a baby? Our baby?

Cassie: I’m fucked up Thomas! Something is wrong with me. I’m imperfect and no matter what I do to try and be a better human I’m always a fucking joke. *tearing up*

Thomas: Cassie stop! I love you. You are perfect.

Cassie: Do you see my arms? Look at these scars *rubs off some makeup* those are scars from needles I use to inject into my arms. I’m a terrible human being.

Thomas: *gets up hugging and holding Cassie* Baby please stop this, I love you — I love everything about you.

Cassie: *sobbing* I just don’t want to bring someone into this world as fucked as me, Thomas.

Thomas: Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here. I love you.

The scene fades out of the penthouse as somber music plays and jumps back to Twitter. Calista and Blair are seen walking out of a PTA meeting

Calista & Blair

Calista: It feels so good to be back in Twitter. I hope this time you feel more at ease in the PTA. *laughs*

Blair: Yes, it’s good to get away but it’s also great to be back home. The PTA feels a lot more easy-going like I’ve got a sense of the different dynamics and the structure of everything.

Calista: I told you you’ll get the hang of things very soon. *laughs* I feel if we aren’t involved in our children’s lives and education, then who will be? It actually says a lot about us. I know others in our group can’t relate.

Blair: *nods* Amen to that!

Blair Confessional: I really feel a good connection with Calista and not just because we have the PTA in common. We genuinely click and she’s making effort to get to know me. Has Charlotte done that? No. Has Serenity done that? No. *shrugs shoulders* Says it all really.

Calista: So how has everything been with house hunting? I know we just got back but you do need somewhere to stay. I feel bad that you didn’t have a good experience and we don’t need people here saying you’re homeless.

Blair: *sighs* Well, we’re still looking but there’s this one place we managed to find through another realtor… and honestly, Calista I loved it. That house is still on my mind, even though we’ve viewed other properties since then.

Calista Confessional: Twitter is a very small town that talks. Blair is honestly so nice and I would hate if anyone started any rumors about her, especially one started by Joi the failed realtor who couldn’t sell her a home.

Calista: I think you take the opportunity honestly. I know it can be a lot but once you lock it in, it only goes up from there. Then you throw a lavish housewarming party! *laughs*

Blair: That’s very true! I’m going to speak to Rex and hopefully get the ball rolling, because in my mind right now, that house is the house for us. It’s perfect.

Calista: Did you tell Rex about what happened on our trip?

Blair: I’ve mentioned it here and there to him, but not in great detail. My husband doesn’t get involved in women’s business to be honest. *giggles*

Calista Confessional: What a good husband Rex is. *laughs*

Blair: I wouldn’t want a husband like Charlotte’s who inserts himself into women’s business, just saying. *shrugs shoulders*

Calista: Honestly, Doug is a good man and he only wants the best for her. I mean they’ve been married for about 30 years so there’s something about Charlotte that he truly loves and adores. I felt bad for her. I know she hasn’t been kind to us but she was hyperventilating and I didn’t know what to do. I’m hoping it was a wake up call for her.

Blair: I hope she gets help too. Her behavior has been alarming, but I’m not the one to tell her that because I don’t know her like that.

Calista: I understand that. You know her oldest daughter contacted me and she really is concerned about her mother. She told me this has been an issue since she was young basically. She would have this coffee mug and say she’s drinking coffee, but in reality, it was nothing but dark liquor.

Blair: *eyes widen* Oh, wow.

Calista: She basically felt abandoned and that her mother chose alcohol over her. It’s very very sad. I would never want my children to feel that way.

Blair: That’s very dark. Charlotte’s obviously in a very destructive and dark place to abandon her own child.

Blair Confessional: We’re not all perfect, I’ll say that so to hear that Charlotte has been driven to drink so much that it’s cost her her daughter… I’m stunned. I couldn’t ever imagine pushing my children away or choosing something or someone over them.

Calista: Yeah. I think the reason why she’s been so mean to us is because she’s deflecting from her own issues.

Blair: That’s quite a dark place to be in. She needs help clearly and I hope she can at least be open to that from her close friends and family.

Calista: I hope so and I truly hope she thinks about going to rehab. It’ll be best for everyone involved. Maybe she’ll be messy bitchy and mean towards us. I’m surprised we haven’t thrown a drink on her yet but we’re classier than that. *laughs*

Blair: Absolutely. I’m not getting involved in this mess, her real friends can sort that out.

Calista: Maybe Joi can give her some weave or something. That trip was such a mess. I’m so glad it’s over and done with.

Blair: *laughs* Me too. Some of the girls were starting on me for no reason, so I was ready to be away from them.

Calista: They’re so full of drama but of course they come after us ladies who are doing good things. Perhaps they should thank us for allowing their kids to have fun activities at school.

Blair: *nods* Absolutely, they should!

Calista Confessional: Without Blair and I, their kids would be miserable and lonely like them. A thank you would be nice from time to time. *laughs*

Calista: I really had a lovely time at this PTA and next time I’ll be sure to bring donuts. What we had today was a tad bit stale.

Blair: *laughs* Donuts would be great! I’d probably bring along some chocolate too… even though I promised myself that I’d go on a sugar cleanse!

Calista: This is why you have cheat days! *laughs and gives Blair a hug* I’ll see you soon sweetie!

Blair: See you soon! *smiles*

They both walk to their cars as the scene switches to a restaurant as Joi is being brought her food


Joi Confessional: Today, I’m out on a dinner date with my executive team! These people are the ones that help me oversee all of the businesses I own because it can definitely get overwhelming. So, I’m surely thankful for them.

Joi: Whew, this looks good! I should’ve just come alone. *laughs* I don’t got time to talk!

Judy: Yours looks good!

Joi: I know right! *cuts meat* But in all seriousness, I’m glad y’all were able to come out to dinner with me tonight because we really have some decisions to make.

Eric: *looks and sips drink* I mean…business must keep going.

Joi Confessional: Eric is my COO and Judy is CFO. They are the top two executives that I usually make my decisions with considering they have a lot to do with the aspect of the businesses.

Joi: So of course, I let it be known some weeks ago that I would be letting go one of the agents, and I can’t sit on that promise longer. Jasmine has to go.

Eric: Wow, I surely wasn’t expecting that.

Judy: Well, I could’ve told you that 3 months ago. If you look at her commissions compared to the other ladies, you would’ve seen the noticeable difference I’ve seen.

Joi: Hey! That’s coming from our Chief Financial Officer, so if the financial officer is saying it, then it must be true.

Joi Confessional: Jasmine is one of the sweetest girls I know, but she’s just not producing what she should be producing. I enjoy her personality and I love her dearly, but she’s honestly taking up space.

Eric: Well, the operations must continue to go on.

Joi: They will. I’ll just have a conversation with her and maybe she can come back in the future when she’s ready to give it her all.

Judy: Well, we know who’s giving too much. Miss Calista. What’s the deal with her?

Joi: Whew! Don’t even get me started on that heifer.

Joi Confessional: Calista is still a part of Opulence Extensions. Well- not really a part of it, just the face. But, it’s time for her to go. I can clearly see that she’s not in the business to help and elevate it, but instead use it as a way to just say “she’s this boss” and “that boss” when her ass ain’t cashing no checks at the bank, but the ones her multiple sugar daddies are sending her.

Eric: I’m ready for the woman to go! If she’s going to be going around town speaking down on the company, then she has to go.

Joi: I agree. Calista is not a necessity, she’s an accessory. We can easily find a new face for the company. One that’s natural especially.

Judy: *laughs* Was that shade, Joi?

Joi: Was it?

Eric: So, how are we going to tell her?

Joi: Honestly, I don’t want a long drawn out process. I just want to tell her and be done with her. I mean, the next time we have an event, I guess I can tell her.

Eric: That’s fine with me!

Judy: I second.

Joi: Well, that’s the plan! Cheers to continued success and peaceful operations!

They clink glasses and laugh as the scene transitions to another restaurant later that evening. Brittany is seen being seated at a table, waiting for her friends


Brittany Confessional: There’s no secret that the trip really divided the group. So, I’m gathering one side today and I want to get to the bottom of what the hell all of that madness was.

Brittany: *to waiter* I’ll take some water and a Passionfruit Cocktail

Joi walks to the table and shimmies

Joi: Hey pretty, petite beauty! *hugs and sits* It’s good to see you.

Joi Confessional: The trip was basically a disaster. There was no real sisterhood or friendship shown, so I’m glad to be back in Twitter and on my side of town without worrying about if the crack addict and Botox addict will make an appearance trying to schedule an intervention for everyone besides themselves.

Brittany: Joi, I love this green!

Joi: Why thank you! This signifies money, honey! Couldn’t we all use a little bit more. *laughs*

Brittany: How are you? How’s Lorenzo? You know I never realized you two had the same last name. Did you take his or is it coincidence?

Joi: It is a coincidence. That’s why I’ve really not been in a rush to have the wedding, but I think I’m truly ready to move forward with planning. It’s been a great few years being engaged, but now it’s time that I strap down and be the wife that I know I can be.

Brittany: Yeah, you don’t want to get too stagnant because he’ll think he’s got all of you without going the full way

Charlotte walks into the restaurant and over to the table

Charlotte: Hello hello ladies!!

Brittany: Hey Charlotte, love the outfit!

Joi: Hey girl!

Charlotte: You two look absolutely gorgeous! *sits beside Joi*

Brittany: Joi, have you talked to Serenity? Is she going to make it?

Joi: Yea, that’s what I meant to tell you. Her son had something had his school, so she won’t be able to come.

Brittany: I hope he’s okay! I’ll text her later

Joi: So, what do you all think about that disaster of a so-called, “intervention”?

Brittany: I feel like I was in disbelief the entire time, I just couldn’t believe what was happening

Charlotte: I’m still appalled. It’s like they are trying to find ways to just pick on me. I don’t know whether it’s because I’m the eldest or what, it was truly disgusting.

Charlotte Confessional: Alcoholism is NOT a drama point or a topic of conversation to stay relevant. It is a TRUE and REAL disease. And for some these girls to disrespect me and my reputation by blatantly LYING on me, disgusting!

Brittany: Do you believe that Doug and your daughter were concerned with your drinking? You know, because Cassie and Calista said they reached out to them

Joi: I don’t believe a thing those two say. All they do is project their life and current situations on other people.

Charlotte: Okay so here’s the thing. Doug was called by Calista for my BEHAVIOR…Calista wanted to go with the narrative that they called her to help. Which is a blatant lie. How can someone worry about another home when you’ve been kicked out of yours.

Brittany: Why would Doug call Calista? I’m confused

Brittany Confessional: There’s a lot of different stories and nothing about any of them make sense. I’m just waiting for something to click, but I don’t know if that moment will come.

Charlotte: Calista told everyone Doug, too, was scared for my drinking and it was a mutual decision for the intervention to happen. The TRUE story is Calista called Doug and basically set him up by saying it was for one thing then ambushed us by saying it was for alcohol! I shouldn’t even be arguing with a bitch about MY SOBRIETY!

Joi: That’s right

Brittany: So you aren’t worried that she was trying to flirt with Doug or had other motivations? We know she doesn’t respect husbands

Charlotte: Well that part I’m not worried about. Doug and I have been married for almost 30 years. We know a hoe when we see one. A real man won’t even entertain it.

Joi: *snaps* Alrighty then!

Charlotte: Considering she’s basically homeless, I don’t blame her for trying to get some action. She knows which family got the real bag

Charlotte Confessional: Calista is really turning out to be someone I don’t like. I guess it’s true what the streets say. You can’t turn a hoe into a housewife and you damn sure can’t turn a snake into a friend.

Brittany: Joi, how are you and Calista?

Joi: Calista is done in my book. She’s nothing but an opportunist looking for a come-up. She’s no one friend.

Brittany: I heard something that I think you should know…

Joi: Tell it all

Brittany takes a dramatic deep breath

Brittany: So, you know my firm does property valuations so I’m friendly with a lot of the brokers in Twitter.

Joi: *nods* Oh yea

Brittany: Well, I met with one yesterday to go over his list and he asked if everything’s okay with your business. Apparently, Calista has been recommending Blair to other realtors and telling them your firm is incompetent of taking care of clients.

Joi: Oh, typical Calista. I’m not even sure why Blair is entertaining her antics. Calista’s main motive is to tear me down and ruin my businesses because she can’t sit at the head of the table. Well if she wants to do that, she better go get one from Little Tikes.

Brittany: So Blair hasn’t told you she’s looking for homes with other people?

Charlotte: I thought you and Blair were friends though. *turns to Joi* Or was it strictly business?

Joi: Blair has not, but that’s surprising considering everytime we’re together, she sits and looks like a knot on the log. I’m not sure if her husband is the “big guy” in her home and is making her stay mute around us, but it’s not good. How can I know what you’re satisfied or unsatisfied with if you aren’t voicing it.

Joi Confessional: I guess you can nominate me for runner-up for being a target of Calista and Cassie’s bullshit! C & C Cunty Corporation

Charlotte: Maybe she’s just the helpmate. She’s running around looking at the houses for her boss. I mean husband!

Brittany: Charlotte, that’s not nice!

Charlotte: *laughs* I’m sorry I’m sorry but this is some crazy shit!

Brittany: *to Joi* When was the last time you took her to see a place?

Joi: Everytime I call Blair, it goes to voicemail. And the husband didn’t want me to have his number. And I don’t feel comfortable discussing her business in front of the group, but I guess if that’s what she’s doing, then I can too

Brittany: I think you should talk to her about it. Maybe you two can go to a listing and you confront her?

Charlotte: That’s true though. I definitely agree with Brittany. Confront her about it now. If not, you know the Barbie twins will try to spin the narrative in their favor.

Joi: We’ll see how that goes. I hope she gives the agency a call because we don’t want to hold deadweight. We’re already losing out on a good chunk of change accommodating her budget. We can be making bucks somewhere else. *shrugs* I’m just saying

Brittany: So with all this mess, are you two still going to Cassie’s product launch next week?

Joi: If I’m feeling nice that particular morning, I might. But as of now, Cassie gets no support from this woman because she can’t support other women.

Charlotte: Absolutely! I actually want to give her a taste of her own medicine. Considering they acted a plum fool at my award ceremony

Joi: Well I might have to come see this spectacle after all!

Brittany: Oh goodness, don’t tell me that Charlotte. You know Cassie and I are very close!

Brittany Confessional: Now do I give Cassie a heads up about this or stay out of it? *slumps over* Ugh, these women make being friends so hard!

Charlotte: I apologize for disrespecting your friend but there’s certain boundaries you just can’t cross with people.

Joi: Stay away from snakes!

Brittany: You know I try to stay out of you ladies issues. So I’m just going to eat this delicious food and let’s get some positivity going!

Joi: Well, only one can take so much. Let’s see how long you last *laughs*

Charlotte: Y’all I’m sorry but I really wish I had a booty like yours, Joi

Charlotte Confessional: It’s like she has these two nice round basketballs accurately placed on her back. It’s sooo beautiful!!

Brittany: Joi’s butt is big, mine is tight and right, yours is a little saggy Charlotte. You have enough money to lift it!

Charlotte: Baby this is a 53 year old booty!!

Joi: Don’t make me get up and bend over!

Brittany: I think that’s what Charlotte wants *laughs*

Joi gets up and starts to slightly twerk

Joi: Catch the back!

Charlotte: YAASSSS!!! *taps Joi’s booty* it is sooo beautiful oh my gosh.

Joi: See, this is what friendship is about ladies!

The ladies laugh and the scene moves to a coffee shop a couple days later. The cameras show Serenity sitting at a table alone drinking an Americano


Serenity Confessional: Today I am confronting Calypsa for being a fake friend. It seems as though she would do anything to get any bad press off of her and I don’t like how she jumped on the Charlotte bandwagon to deliberately hurt her. It’s evident she’s unhappy but that doesn’t mean someone else has to pay the consequences.

Calista walks in ten minutes later and spots Serenity


Calista: Sorry I’m late. I’m not really a coffee kind of gal. I see you dressed as mocha. *laughs*

Serenity: Have a seat hon. This won’t take long. I’m glad you could make it.

Calista Confessional: Serenity invited me out so we can talk. I don’t really know her that well and I don’t know what we need to discuss. Maybe she’s here for an autograph. I’ll be happy to give her one. *smiles*

Calista: Considering we don’t know each other that well, you should be lucky I had time to put you on the schedule. So what’s up?

Serenity: Well, you can make yourself look entitled but we’ve been around each other for a hot minute. I just wanna keep it real with you and tell you the truth to your face. Woman to woman. I know it’s very hard for you to act like one without trying to divert the attention.

Calista: A hot minute indeed. I’m glad you have the courage as a woman to be honest with me now even after being a messy bitch. Timing is everything but I’m glad we’re here.

Serenity: The last couple of weeks I’ve watched your behavior very closely every since I brought my friend around. You managed to make up lies and you succeeded at diverting the attention by fueling the fire… I believe that you have been a fake friend to many of the women in this circle. I don’t think you’re a real woman. I understand you want to act like you’re a teenager again but you need a reality check. Period.

Calista: Did you not just say we’ve been around each other for a hot minute? I find it interesting that you’ve come to many conclusions about me after knowing me for a short period of time. I’m sure some of these ladies put a battery in your back considering you came into the group AFTER me. Remember that…who sent you here today? Was it big foot Charlotte or big botched booty Joi?

Serenity: Are you listening to what I’m saying? I know you’re wearing your hair down but the extensions are covering your brain, sweetie. I said ever since I brought my friend around. No one sent me here. I have a mind of my own and I can be woman enough to tell you, you aren’t one.

Calista: The same friend you brought on that yacht party?

Calista Confessional: Who is this woman? Is she going to put me in check?

Serenity: Okay anyways. I’m here to keep it real. You are not being a good friend to Charlotte, you keep adding to the pile of shit Cassie is making up to divert the fact that you’re a whore. You know like I know, like we know, like EVERYONE knows your husband has never wanted your ass and I believe you should own up to it rather than sell us a story that you two don’t want each other. The reality is that you wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him so for you to attack Charlotte, someone who has built her empire from the ground up is very tacky. Grow up. You have three kids and those are half your age. You are not 20 anymore to be behaving like the little bitch you’ve been acting like lately.

Calista: *laughs* And who are you? The judge and the jury? My situation with Charlotte is between Charlotte and I. That’s the thing about you groupies. You want to come in and create a moment, thinking you’ll have a long-lasting legacy. You’re calling me a whore but you have three kids by three different people and you’re coming to me as a woman? Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look like a sexed up Power Ranger.

Serenity: This isn’t about groupies or who’s friends with who. We are in the same circle and if my friend is being poked at I sure will speak up… can I not? Miracle is one of my friends who has unveiled your life, I have 50 more, does that mean I care enough about you? No. But I will gladly check you and your lies everytime you lie on my friends. My kids are all by the same man, and I can gladly admit and walk away from something that no longer serves me, you stick around because if you don’t take a portion of his checks- you wouldn’t be here infront of me but behind that counter.

Calista: I see you need a moment like everyone else in this group. You willingly brought one of Jamal’s alleged whores around to create some talk and I get it. I don’t blame you, but you look foolish. The only thing you’re doing is getting me recognized and I thank you for that. We don’t run in the same circle because I run with the big dogs. If you want to play games, there’s always little league for you Serenity.

Calista Confessional: These women act like they know me when they don’t know shit. It’s quite laughable at this point but I’ll continue to be great while they hate. If your legs can’t reach the sky then you can tell me shit. Her legs tremble…you haven’t noticed? *laughs*

Serenity: I don’t need a moment babe. The same cameras that follow you around, follow me around if you’re talking as though I’m randomly coming in here. This have been a series of events that have occurred and you thought your story of you being a whore and being unwanted was going to be an afterthought.

Calista: Would you like to taste my vagina? I honestly don’t know what else you want. If I’m such a whore, let me be a whore! Let my vagina run free!

Serenity: Is this how you would like your kids to hear you speaking? I mean, you haven’t been the best mother but my gosh..

Calista: Oh you don’t want to go there about the kids…you went on a yacht and left your kids by the wayside…hanging out with a whore but you call me one. That’s so laughable.

Serenity: And you know that how? My kids are well and taken care of honey, don’t do that. Their father is a whole billionaire. Did I hit a nerve? This conversation is now over. You may leave.

Calista: Make me…

Serenity: I need my physical space and I don’t feel comfortable with you being in front of me. Leave.

Calista: Maybe you should drop a few pounds where you won’t take up that much space. There’s a gym next door. Perhaps you should leave. I’m not here for your amusement, you’re here for mine’s. I have time because I’m clocked in.

Serenity: Extra pounds or not, I was still able to leave and with extra coins. You worry about the gym next door and go clean the benches honey, once your husband decides to drop you, you will need a stable job other than fucking random rich men.

Calista: I’m not fucking rich random men…I’m fucking the boss bitch. *sips coffee* And you’re going to keep seeing me…

Serenity grabs Calista’s purse and walks towards the door

Serenity: Let’s go, I’m waiting! LEAVE.

Calista: *remains seated* You can have the purse. I know you can’t afford it. Maybe you can give it to your kids for Christmas. Tell them it was from Mrs. Claus…she’s very stylish.

Serenity: Oh give me a break Calista, you can have this moment…

Serenity leaves and throws Calista’s purse on the floor. Calista stands up and notices Serenity’s seat

Calista: Is that coochie sweat or piss? My goodness she needs to learn some hygiene.

Calista calls the worker over

Calista: I’m so sorry, but make sure you spray some Lysol on that seat please. Here’s a tip for your service. I hope the smell doesn’t kill you.

Calista laughs and walks away as the cameras zoom in on the purse still on the floor; the episode ends

Next time on Baller Wives: Blair and Rex meet with a real estate agent…not Joi…to try and close on a home. Serenity fills in some of the girls on her dramatic sit down with Calista. Wyatt and Brittany make a very important decision on children. Calista meets with her “boyfriend” to discuss the future of their relationship. Cassie hosts a launch for her new product where drama is not tolerated, but does drama occur?


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The Andy Network
The Andy Network

Written by The Andy Network

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