Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Bree Bailey and Grace Whitworth

The Andy Network
10 min readMar 30, 2023

Andy: She’s been all over the press, and she’s being told to own up to her mess! It’s Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Bree Bailey & Grace Whitworth NOW!

The Watch What Happens Live intro music plays and the camera pans to Andy sitting in his chair

Andy: Hey everyone, I’m Andy Cohen here in the clubhouse for what’s looking like a hefty WWHL tonight!

The audience claps

Andy: My first guest is entangled in controversy as her show just started airing their latest season last week, it’s Bree Bailey from the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach! Hey Bree!

Bree: Hey Andy *smiles* looking good! Thanks for having me on its a pleasure

Andy: Thank you and of course…My next guest has gone against every Lady on her cast, and she’s still standing tall, it’s Grace Whitworth from Ladies of Twitter! How’s it going Grace!

Grace: *waves* Hi Andy! It’s going good, it’s nice to be on a break haha, it’s so good to be in the clubhouse again!

Andy: Great to have you both! Drinking game alert! My guests won’t know it but anytime you hear anyone say this word…

Andy: …if you’re 21 or over, drink until you end up at a Holi-Slay party. I have a lot to unpack with the both of you tonight, but first Bree I don’t want to beat around the bush, I want to get straight to all of it. Is that good with you? *looks at Bree*

Bree: *smiles* Sure Andy, nothing is off-limits, ask away! I always own up to my actions.

Andy: *looks back at camera* Alright, Bree’s been in the center of scandal as RHOBB kicks off it’s season, so let’s get into some of these Hot Topics. *lights dim down* Now Bree, some of these questions you may think don’t need to be asked, but I just want to make sure we cover everything.

Bree nods and Grace sips her cocktail

Andy: Let’s start off by going through what you said to Victoria. You said she was an employee, that she works for you, she’s ghetto, and poor. Do you realize what you said was racist?

Bree: *nods* I do realize that, and I regret it enormously. *sighs* As soon as I realized what I had said I regretted it and apologized to everyone involved, both the cast and production… I wish I could take it back but I cannot, so apologizing is all I could do, and I did.

Andy: What got you to the point to say those racist things?

Bree: I truly don’t know Andy… I wish I could give you a clear answer but I cannot. The only explanation I can give you is I called her an “employee” cause she worked for some of us being a real estate agent, so that had nothing to do with her skin color. As for the rest I just spoke out of my ass, I wasn’t thinking straight and I deeply regret it

Andy: Well, if you’re saying she’s ghetto and poor as ways to demean her, I would think calling her an “employee” whether she’s working for people in the group or not, is racially demeaning. Do you not think so?

Bree: *nods* I can see how it could be interpreted that way in that circumstance, but it wasn’t my intent, as I already said I spoke out of my ass without thinking of how offensive my words could be to both my cast mates and the viewers at home.

Andy: In the moment, did you think that no one heard your original comment about her being an employee?

Bree: No, I think everyone did, I was inebriated and I was speaking pretty loud, it was hard not to hear me

Andy: For clarification, are you a racist or have you done racist things in the past?

Grace looks at Bree

Bree: Oh god no *shakes head* no! I know what I said is wrong and people have every right to dislike me or hate me but I promise you I’m not racist. I’ve made a mistake and I’ve learned from it.

Andy: Good, are you nervous to discuss all of this at the reunion?

Bree: No. My cast mates know what happened and we’ve already discussed it multiple times, I don’t think there’s much else to discuss. I’ve made a mistake, I’ve owned up to it, I’ve apologized, some have forgiven me and some haven’t and that’s it.

Grace: It’s good of them to give you the season and the reunion to speak on it, considering the severity of the situation

Andy: Truthfully, did production ask you to leave the show, or was there a conversation and a mutual agreement? Essentially, were you fired?

Bree: Honestly? I was already wanting to leave the show when the incident with Victoria happened and I wanted to quit filming, but ended up staying. Ultimately after the season wrapped we all realized it had become way too toxic for me to stay on, so it was a mutual decision I’d say. Neither me nor production wanted me to stay on the show.

Andy: Got it, thank you very much Bree. Let’s take a look at some viewer questions

Andy looks at his cards

Andy: Grace, Veronica from Akron asks, why did you get so mad after the segment about you? Did you not feel you should’ve been in the hot seat?

Grace: Yeah Andy, I was so mad. I think it’s easy to pile on to the person who’s messy and often puts her foot in her mouth. But they all made mistakes this season and were expecting me to own my mess yet not owning their things

Andy: Gotcha…Bree, Lee from Minneapolis asks, were you surprised that Lorelei didn’t like the way you responded at Monsé’s birthday party?

Bree: Well… I did expect her not to butt in, but I didn’t expect her to react as badly as she did towards me… but after all even the best of friends have disagreements right? *shrugs* it’s fine

Andy: Percy from Sacramento wants to know, what did you make of Sheridan being mad about Monsé’s “dream team” tweet?

Bree: *rolls eyes* Look Sheridan doesn’t like it when she isn’t part of something so of course she was mad about the “dream team” tweet! I think it’s honestly childish and ridiculous *cackles*

Andy: Grace, Tara from Colorado Springs wants to know, was it a good idea to confront Billie and Erica backstage, most likely knowing it would turn into a fight?

Grace: Absolutely! They both talk very differently with me off the show, so I was fed up. I owned my stuff, I think I still need to talk it through with them as I don’t know what they are mad at still.

Andy: *nods* Since Ladies of Twitter season 15 just wrapped with an explosive reunion we need to get all of Grace’s opinions on what went down. Ready Grace?

Grace: Ready!

Andy: Thoughts on Luci going to prison and taking blame for the fire at her restaurant?

Grace: I mean, it’s devastating, my oldest friend lied and betrayed so many people. We just launched a business and now its future is in tatters.

Andy: Thoughts on Devyn’s past relationships and possibly marrying her current husband for money?

Grace: I can’t keep up with her

Andy: Thoughts on Devyn and Billie’s relationship and current path back to friendship?

Grace: They both wanted to hurt each other, there’s a lot of love there, I hope they make it back yeah

Andy: Thoughts on Erica and Leila going after Teairra for her lack of transparency?

Grace: Practice what you preach. Leila came in hot and fizzled out *laughs*

Andy: Thoughts on Leila showing everyone a picture of the person Harlow has allegedly been cheating on?

Grace: I mean, next! Harlow’s man is GORGEOUS. I’m happy for her

Andy: Thoughts on Harlow thinking you were leaning more toward her ex-husband’s side?

Grace: It’s just a miscommunication. I’ve known him a lot longer but I love her a whole lot more

Andy: Thoughts on Leila revealing the alleged story of what happened with Teairra’s husband?

Grace: That whole story is very messy, I still don’t really know what it’s about. But I do know Teairra’s side and it matches up with the truth *shrugs*

Andy: Thoughts on Billie admitting she lied to hurt Devyn?

Grace: Billie lies, she lied all season and at the reunion. It’s refreshing to see her finally admit that some things she says are made up. Like saying I'm broke?

Andy: Thanks Grace, we’re going to take a quick commercial break, we’ll be right back!

Voiceover: The Heirs have arrived and they are here to stay…

Voiceover: Tune into the series premiere on Tuesday, April 4th at 8/7C on the Andy Network!

Andy: And we’re back with Grace and Bree! Let’s turn now to our virtual audience, Kate from Kansas City has a question for Bree

Kate: Hey Bree

Bree: Hey Kate! *smiles* Thank you for calling, what’s your question?

Kate: What are your thoughts on Mona having your back on Twitter against Sheridan recently, and what can you tell us about their upcoming feud?

Grace: I love Sheridan!

Bree: Well me and Mona are extremely close, she’s a great friend, and I think she just saw the truth, which is Sheridan used my mistake against me, making it seem way worse than it actually was, in order to defame me. And she’s not the only one who thinks that *shrugs* just saying. And about their feud I can tell you Mona is activated and she’s not holding back, my girl is a beast *giggles*

Andy: Now let’s go over to Albuquerque where Nadine has a question for Grace!

Grace: Hey Nadine!

Nadine: Grace, you are gorgeous! And not an old lady! Almost finished with your book *holds it up*

Grace: Aw yay! *claps*

Nadine: My question is, what did you think of Amal’s appearance at the reunion and what’s your relationship like with her now?

Grace: Again, like I said on the reunion, I do not have a friendship currently with Amal. She wanted to film the show after leaving, then used me. Erica now doesn’t want much to do with me, because of her. So I guess let’s hope she’s on next season so we can really fight it out *laughs and sips*

Andy: Thanks virtual audience! Grace, Kelli from Indianapolis asks, do you think Luci is covering up for Maria for starting the fire, or do you think Luci is telling the truth about the situation?

Grace: Luci is the culprit. There’s footage and people coming out with the same stories

Andy: Bree, Angelo from El Paso says, how could you say those things about a black woman, do you assume that all black women are ghetto and poor?

Bree: No, absolutely not. I spoke poorly of Victoria in a moment were I wasn’t thinking straight and I wasn’t lucid. I made a mistake and I apologize to you if it offended you.

Andy: Grace, Maryann from St. Petersburg says, how are you the scapegoat for the ladies’ wrongdoings when most of the time you bring up the issues between the women and then throw your hands up?

Bree: That sounds like Sheridan *laughs*

Grace: Not the whole time Maryann, but I do want the other ladies on my show to just say it straight. Don’t try to take someone down or try to ruin their lives. Just be real, that’s what we’re hired to do

Andy: The only way a reality show works is if the cast members are real, totally agree…Crystal from Raleigh asks, Bree, why did you think that Mona and Monse had an issue at the Holi-Slay meeting, is there something we don’t know?

Bree: I don’t think there’s anything you guys don’t know, I think this season was very intense for both Mona and Monse, one was dealing with the end of her marriage and the other was pondering a very important life decision… they were just very stressed, but I can assure you they’re as close as ever! As I already said, even the best of friends can have an argument *sips drink*

Andy: And now it’s time for Plead. The. Fifth!

Andy: I’ll ask you a shady question and you either give me a shady response or plead the fifth. You can only plead once though! Got it?

Grace: Okay!

Bree: Ohhh I love a shady question, let’s get it started *snaps fingers*

Andy: Bree, would you rather visit Vanessa in prison or go to lunch with Sheridan?

Bree: Oh god, that’s a tough one… maybe lunch with Sheridan? We gotta bury the hatchet sooner or later *cackles*

Andy: Grace, who’s telling the truth about what went down on the Legends trip, Erica or Devyn?

Grace: Erica.

Andy: Bree, which of your cast members should depart from the show with you after this season?

Bree: I think Jac, she should just go back to Twitter, it fit her more. And I don’t dislike her, just to be clear, simply my opinion!

Grace: Jac deserves the world, she’s a star

Bree: Right, she should get her full time Ladies of Twitter spot back!

Andy: Grace, since Leila allegedly has all this tea on you, what’s some tea you have on her?

Grace: Erm, that she’s a flop? She also has a secret boyfriend who lives in Texas, allegedly

Bree: Oh, secret boyfriend? Bring him on next season!

Andy: *eyes widen* Thats some good tea! For both of you, which one of your cast members fakes it for the cameras?

Grace: I think Luci is the obvious answer here after what’s come out

Bree: I think we’re all very real in Beverly Beach, although Sheridan does play the victim all the time, so I’ll say Sheridan

Andy: No one pled the fifth! Thank you Bree and Grace for coming on, the word of the night was Leila we said it 5 times! If you’ve been playing our drinking game, don’t drive! Goodnight!



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