Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Lorelei Sullivan and Mona Quinn

The Andy Network
8 min readSep 12, 2022

Andy: She’s calling someone a high mileage whore, and she’s dealing with marital problems once more. It’s Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Lorelei Sullivan and Mona Quinn NOW!

The Watch What Happens Live intro music plays and the camera pans to Andy sitting in his chair

Andy: Welcome back to the clubhouse. I’m Andy Cohen here with these fabulous Beverly Beach ladies…Lorelei, Mona how are you!?

Mona: Feeling good Andy! *smiles*

Lorelei: I’m doing wonderful, Andy!

Andy: How are you both feeling about the cast announcement and the trailer?

Mona: That trailer was epic! And our cast is stunning! Love it!

Lorelei: I’m excited about it! *looks at Mona* I really like our cast this season. We all looked beautiful in our cast photo

Mona: Well…most of us did yea!

Lorelei: *taps her arm and laughs* Mona!

Mona: I kid…we looked great!

Andy: *laughs* So you two still had some tension at the Season 5 reunion, but seem to be friends this season. How did you two move forward?

Lorelei: To be honest… I really had no actual vendetta against Mona. Like, last season I just didn’t like her, because she was being mean to Grace, but this season, once I separated their own issues and got to know her, I loved what I saw. She’s my girl *smiles and looks towards Mona*

Mona: I think we realized we were fighting over nothing and decided to get to know each other! It took us a second but I’m so proud to say Lorelei’s one of my best friends

Lorelei: Period. *laughs*

Mona: And I didn’t like Lorelei because she was friends with Grace *giggles*

Lorelei: We were just both petty last year!

Andy: Well, it’s good to see you two friends! Let’s take a look at some viewer questions! Lorelei, Gretchen from Baton Rouge wants to know, what are your thoughts on Yvonne and Lauren’s issues this season?

Lorelei: Hmm. Their relationship is so complex, you can’t really sum it up. I think the two of them have just so much history together that they just both know each other's skeletons. I- I think they may be kind of cautious of the other, you know?

Andy: Gotcha…Mona, you and Adam are still having marital issues this season, what can you tell us?

Mona: We ended last season in a pretty bad place when he left Lor’s wedding. And it continued getting worse this year. I felt I was even more vulnerable than last season and it was rough. Something big happens that changes the course of our marriage *frowns*

Lorelei grabs Mona’s hand

Andy: So I’m assuming the big thing is bad…

Mona: Very bad, yea

Andy: *nods* Yvonne says in the trailer you’re lying about everything you’re going through, what did you make of that?

Mona: Yvonne has nothing better to do than talk about everyone else. I wasn’t surprised one bit, she hates me and the feeling’s mutual. Hope the nursing home treats her well!

Lorelei: *widens eyes and covers face* Oh my gosh

Andy: *chuckles* I want to ask you about your new cast members, how do you both feel about the additions of Bree and Monse?

Lorelei: I love them. I truly do. Bree is a lot like myself, she’s rich, she’s got no filter and she’s going to ruffle some feathers this season. Monse, is very shy to me, but she also isn’t one to bite her tongue either. *smiles* They were both fabulous this season.

Mona: I love them both so much! Monse has been my bestie for 10 years and Bree I got to know through Lorelei. They’re both fun and vibrant but won’t take shit from anyone! Especially Bree, that girl’s got a mouth honey!

Lorelei: *laughs* That she does, that she does.

Andy: That’s good to hear! Two OG’s are also returning, Yvonne and Lauren. How do you two feel about them?

Lorelei: I was excited when I heard the news about Yvonne coming back. She certainly brought a level of class that was just far gone after last season *laughs* Lauren’s always been a classy woman.

Mona: Love Lauren! Wish I got to film with her more. She was in and out. And I’ve already said enough about the elder.

Lorelei: Mona… oh my gosh *laughs*

Mona: What! She’s the elder of the two! *smirks*

Andy: Oh dear…since we have some new faces this season and surely the dynamics have changed, let’s get some insight into Season 6 with a game of spill the tea! I’ll as you both questions and you give me the name or names of your cast members! Got it!?

Lorelei: Oooh, sounds fun! Let’s get into it!

Mona: Yay!

Andy: Who stirs the pot the most this season?

Lorelei: I would say probably Bree and myself, no? Honestly, everyone took a dabble at stirring the pot *laughs*

Mona: Yea, I mean I don’t think I did but you two and I’d say Yvonne too

Lorelei: *nods* I agree with that too

Andy: Who has the best fashions?

Mona: Lorelei f’ing Sullivan!

Lorelei: Me. *laughs* It’s no secret

Andy: Who does not care about the drama?

Lorelei: I would honestly say Mona. She’s got enough going on herself that she’s above the drama.

Mona: I don’t care about petty drama, but if I had to pick someone overall Monsé won’t get into it unless she’s brought in. She’ll cuss you out though

Andy: Who has the most personal issues to deal with?

Mona: I’d say Sheridan, she’s going through a lot.

Lorelei: Oooh…*arches eyebrows* Honestly, everybody. Everybody had a really intense personal storyline and you’ll see what I mean when you watch. But from a viewer standpoint, definitely Sheridan.

Andy: Who was the peacemaker?

Mona: No one *laughs*

Lorelei: Yeah, no one *laughs* Have you met this group Andy?

Andy: Not all of you yet! Who has the funniest one-liners?

Mona: Bree, she’s so funny!

Lorelei: I would have to say Yvonne. That bitch is fucking hilarious *laughs*

Andy: Who lies the most this season?

Lorelei: Lies? *looks at Mona and puts hands up* I can honestly say I did NOT do that- well…to save face, I’ll say me *laughs*

Mona: You did not lie and neither did I! I’m hoping everyone told the truth

Andy: Last one, who questions Sheridan about her problems the most?

Lorelei off of the camera and sulks in her chair, laughing

Mona: We all questioned her a lot. But Lorelei did the most *laughs*

Lorelei: Oh lord. I’m already prepared for that paid army of hers to come at me this season. But, i’m ready for it. We’ve got jobs to do. *snaps*

Andy: Thanks for playing! Back to some questions! Lorelei, Antonia from Indianapolis wants to know, how’s your shapewear line NUDITY doing and how much of it will we see this season?

Lorelei: NUDITY is doing great! It’s honestly the best it’s ever been. Our numbers have tripled since my first season on the show *smiles* And, you’ll actually see it more than you have in the past this season!

Andy: Great! From the trailer it looks like you have a lot of questions about Sheridan’s restaurant issues, are you and Sheridan on good terms?

Mona: They are on amazing terms, Andy! *smirks*

Lorelei: *laughs at Mona* Yeah, she and I speak everyday. I love her. *rolls eyes*

Andy: Alrighty then…Mona, Roman from Norfolk says, you seem to sill have issues with Grace this season, what can you tell us about that?

Mona: She has a hard on for me Andy! She loves fighting with me for some reason and finally I just had to tell her to shut up!

Andy: Looking forward to see those encounters! Erin from San Diego asks, which cast trip was your favorite, Quebec or Prague?

Lorelei: Prague for me! It was honestly just really fun being there.

Mona: The scenery in Prague was beautiful but the trip didn’t end well

Lorelei: Quebec was in our back door. Like, okay. *shrugs*

Mona: Yea, Quebec was underwhelming

Lorelei: *laughs and high fives Mona* As is everything with that girl.

Andy: Sonia from Cincinnati asks, how would you both describe the season in three words?

Lorelei: Revamped. Chaotic. Juicy.

Mona: Fun, classy, and tumultuous

Andy: Ooooh! I’m excited! Alright, we’re playing a game on WWHL tonight for the first time ever! It’s called 1,2, Agree or Disagree!

Andy: I’ll make a statement and you both have to tell me whether you agree or disagree with it. If you want to give an explanation you can! Are you ready!?

Mona: Okaaay Andy! Let’s play!

Andy: Bree is deceiving everyone like Belinda said, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Lorelei: Disagree

Mona: Disagree, Bree is as real as they come

Lorelei: Period. *clicks teeth*

Andy: People attacked Yvonne’s relationship to be messy, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Lorelei: Agree!

Mona: Disagree, people called it out because it is messy

Andy: Monse is a broken little bimbo from Haiti, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Lorelei: *laughs* Oh my god. Disagree!

Mona: Disagree, Monsé is a goddess from Haiti!

Andy: Bree’s mega mansion is out of this world, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Mona: Agree, she’s RICH!

Lorelei: Agree! Her house is bigger than mine *laughs* It’s sickening!

Andy: Adam does not listen to Mona, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Mona: Agree.

Lorelei: Agree. *looks at Mona and frowns*

Andy: Sheridan is telling the truth about everything happening with her restaurant, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Mona: Andrew…I agree.

Lorelei: I plead the fifth. *laughs*

Andy: Mona drinks way too much this season, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Mona: Agree, it was a rough time for me!

Lorelei: *looks uncomfortable* Agree.

Andy: Is Grace a see you next Tuesday, 1, 2, Agree or Disagree

Mona: AGREE!

Lorelei: *bursts out laughing* Uh uh! Andy… you are shady! For now, I disagree.

Mona: Lorelei’s being nice, I’m done being nice to her *laughs*

Andy: Thank you for playing! Obviously, tonight’s Moment of Mazel goes to the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach for giving us an AMAZING trailer and I’m assuming a fantastic season!

Andy: Congratulations and we can’t wait for the premiere! That’s all for tonight’s show! Thank you Lorelei and Mona for coming on, and thank you all for watching! Charlotte Robinson and Alesia Evans are in the clubhouse tomorrow! Goodnight!



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