Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Ren Nichols-Rose and Kirstin Waldorf

The Andy Network
9 min readApr 12, 2023

Andy: This season, she’s watching from the sidelines, and her actions are getting reactions of all different kinds. It’s Watch What Happens Live: Twitter with Ren Nichols-Rose and Kirstin Waldorf NOW!

The Watch What Happens Live intro music plays and the camera pans to Andy sitting in his chair

Andy: Hey everyone, welcome back to the clubhouse for our first show of the week!

The audience applauds

Andy: My first guest hasn’t been on camera in a while, but she’s here tonight to give all her juicy opinions, it’s former RHOBB housewife, Ren-Nichols Rose! How’s it going Ren!

Ren: *waves at audience and family in front row* Omg! Yea it’s so long but I’m here! It’s so good to see you Andy!

Andy: You too! My next guest is making her clubhouse debut and has lots of swirling rumors to address, it’s Kirstin Waldorf from our new series Heirs! Hey Kirstin!

Kirstin: *waves to audience and smiles* Hi Andy! Thank you for having me!

Andy: Drinking game alert! My guests won’t know it but anytime you hear anyone say this word…

Andy: …if you’re 21 or over, drink until you start sharing a bag of peanuts with your friends. Ren, how’s life been off the show? I saw you were with Sheridan over the Easter holiday, how was that?

Ren: Life outside of the show has been very peaceful, I’m a mom, I’ve been sober for 9 months and focusing on family and business. I couldn’t ask for a better moment in time. Of course anytime with Sheridan it’s utter chaos in the best way! We’re literally together all the time

Andy: *laughs* Glad to hear you’re sober that’s awesome! Ren, Eloise from Plano wants to know your whole take on Bree and her problematic comments this season?

Kirstin makes a face and sips her drink

Ren: I think she’s just — disgusting always have. Since her first season but I’m glad that the audience got to see what she’s really like, in my opinion I think this should be her last season, she hasn’t taken full accountability and just not sincere. An icky grotesque woman.

Andy: She actually announced that it would be her last so you’ll get your wish!

Ren: I don’t think she had a choice *laughs*

Andy: Kirstin, Wendy from San Antonio wants to know, what’s your response to Hillary saying the man you went home with at the Atlantis opening was a married attorney in Dubai?

Kirstin: Hillary loves to talk out of any hole that opens. She has no clue who any of the men I’ve been involved with are. He was not married but he was an attorney. So she got 1 thing right. *shrugs*

Ren: Interesting.

Andy: Got it…Pearl from Boston asks, do you believe that Remy was stirring the pot between you and Hillary by telling you what she said at the Atlantis opening?

Kirstin: Remy is very oblivious to most things. So if she was stirring the pot it wasn’t done intentionally. I think she was just looking out for me.

Andy: *nods* Ren, Tammy from Scottsdale asks, what did you think of Bree sleeping with someone in Grace’s office and Grace not wanting to address it around the group, causing Sheridan to?

Ren: To be honest, it’s very weird to me. Grace will ride the coat tales of an issue for ages if it fits her agenda but for some reason, she doesn’t want to address it with Bree. If it were ANY other woman in this group, Grace would be outraged bringing it up every five minutes. So it’s super weird to me. Also a 57 year old woman spreading her funky cooch on someone’s desk? Classless!

Kirstin laughs

Andy: *laughs* Alright, for our first game of the night we’re playing The Problem With Who Who Who! I’ll ask you both about someone from your respective shows and you tell me what you think their main flaw is or what annoys you the most about them! Got it?

Kirstin: Oh gosh! *takes a gulp*

Ren: Let’s do it! *sips lemonade*

Andy: Ren, what’s Yvonne Langley’s problem?

Ren: Bitter, can’t be genuinely happy for anyone.

Andy: Kirstin, what’s Barbie’s problem?

Kirstin: Nothing, she’s flawless Andy! *blows kiss to camera* Love you barbs!

Andy: Ren, what’s Sheridan Campbell’s problem?

Ren: Nosy, she’s always in other people's business! But generally she has a good heart and it’s usually out of concern. Unless you piss her off. *bites lip*

Andy: *laughs* Kirstin, what’s Remy’s problem?

Ren makes a disgusted face

Kirstin: Ah Remy! I would say her problem is word vomit. She just says it all and it’s either too much or too little but she gets it all out there.

Ren: *coughs* Bimbo *takes a sip*

Andy: Ren, what’s Mona Quinn’s problem?

Kirstin: *turns to Ren* Thats the Z list actress right?

Ren: Mona loves to play stupid sometimes and I think it’s the actress in her, always needing a dramatic moment but I find her entertaining non the less. She’s the queen of Hallmark

Andy: Kirstin, what’s Alessandra’s problem?

Kirstin: Her head is too far up Hillary’s ass. She’s a follower.

Andy: Ren, what’s Lorelei Sullivan’s problem?

Ren: *deep sigh* Ahhhh where do I began….*chuckles* I mean me and her are in a decent place, I’ve just never trusted her 100% and I don’t know if I ever will. When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.

Andy: Kirstin, what’s Hillary’s problem?

Kirstin: *shifts in seat* Well let’s see… She’s a nosy bitch who needs to mind her own business and stop hating on me because her life is so boring and pathetic. *sips drink*

Ren: *touches Kirstin’s arm* I’m sorry but I actually adore her and I think you should give her a chance, I think you guys could be a great team.

Kirstin: Watch the show girl. I tried many times.

Ren: I guess I will stay tuned *sips lemonade*

Andy: Ren, what’s Grace Faroe’s problem?

Ren: Grace just needs to take the stick deep from her ass, she’s so stiff and no fun. I still have a bone to pick with her from when she attacked my marriage a few seasons ago, it hasn’t been resolved. I feel like she can just be…heartless.

Andy: Thanks for playing! We’ll return after this commercial break!

Voiceover: The Heirs have arrived and they are here to stay…

Voiceover: New episodes air on Tuesdays at 8/7C only on the Andy Network!

Andy: And we’re back with Ren and Kirstin! Let’s turn now to our virtual audience where Joyce from Chesapeake has a question for Ren, hey Joyce!

Joyce: Hi everybody! Ren it’s nice to see you back on our screens!

Ren: Thanks Joyce!

Joyce: What are your thoughts on Jac so far this season and are you jealous she’s taking your place as Sheridan’s bestie?

Ren: I think she’s a breath of fresh air on this show to be honest, she has class, she’s opinionated and she’s been in the game for awhile. I would dare say, she’s more entertaining than Monsé and Bree combined. Not jealous at all

Andy: Over to Lauren from Chicago has a question for Kirstin

Lauren: Hey Kirstin! Love your look tonight!

Kirstin: Thank you Lauren! *smiles*

Lauren: What can you tell us about your relationship with Hillary as the season goes on and where do you two stand now?

Kirstin: *sighs* You have to just tune in every week to watch what happens but as of now Hillary and I do not speak at all.

Andy: Thank you virtual audience! *looks down at cards* Kirstin, Ollie from Charlotte wants to know, what is everyone’s problem with Alessandra? Why were you guys so unwelcoming toward her?

Ren: *turns to Kirstin* Yeah because I was wondering the same thing, you 3 kinda just started bullying her and I don’t get it.

Kirstin: I was curious to know more about her as was Barbie. It’s just hard for us to accept outsiders so we wanted to get to know her more and if it came off as harsh or bullying that was not the intent.

Ren: Interesting…*nods*

Andy: Jaime from Tulsa asks, do you think Hillary was jealous that Leo asked you to do a gig for him and not her?

Kirstin: 100%. I think that’s what started everything and it just trickled down from there as the season progresses.

Andy: You two go at it quite a bit this season

Kirstin: *scoffs* Try ALL season Andy. *sips*

Andy: Ren, Tara from Honolulu asks, what’s your reaction to the Adam and Mona divorce and it coming out that Adam is gay?

Ren: *touches chest* Aww honestly. It’s pretty humiliating and I feel really bad for Mona, as a mom and wife and having your life shattered and exposed it’s tough, I really wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But I knew about Adam for a while, he matched with my makeup artist on Raya and allegedly they had a night at the standard…but she’s strong and she deserves better.

Andy: Lindsey from Colorado Sprins wants to know, what was your opinion on some of the ladies making snarky remarks toward Mona after she shared her situation, and Mona ultimately breaking down?

Ren: I love Sheridan but she was dead wrong and everyone else who didn’t support her, Mona can be messy but I didn’t think that was appropriate at all.

Kirstin: It was so sad to watch and those girls were ruthless.

Ren: Hold up not Regina George calling them ruthless? *laughs*

Kirstin laughs

Andy: To wrap up our show, we’re playing Truth or Drink!

Andy: I’ll ask you a shady question and you either answer or take a shot! Ready?

Kirstin: Ready!

Ren: Let’s do it I have my sugar free organic lemonade!

Andy: Oh I forgot! Yes Ren you drink your lemonade! Here we go…Ren, who on the current Beverly Beach cast has the most skeletons in the closet and share if you know them *chuckles*

Ren: Hmmm…oh god. I may get into trouble for this but I’m gonna have to say Yvonne, I just think the girls are intimidated and don’t want to say but she has A LOT of skeletons. We are in a decent place so….*sips lemonade*

Andy: Kirstin, which one of your cast mates would be the worst model?

Kirstin: *laughs* I would say Alessandra only because she’s the least fashionable and shortest.

Ren: Damn *laughs*

Andy: Ren, if only one of them could be back on the show with you who would you choose, Sheridan or Imani?

Ren: Sheridan 100% I brought her on and she basically runs the show, she really took it up another level when she joined and knows to keep the audience entertained. I’ve grown so much closer to Imani but she didn’t have much in common with most of the girls and such a fucking crybaby to film with.

Andy: Kirstin, Hillary has called you a whore, a gold digger, and a hussie. What are three things you would like to call her?

Kirstin: Fashionable, fierce, and ferocious. *smiles and sips*

Ren: Hahhaaaaa

Andy: Oh…I thought you were going to say three nasty things but good for you!

Kirstin: I’m not that low in the gutter like her.

Andy: Ren rank these wives from favorite to least favorite…Monse, Bree, Mona, Victoria, Jac

Ren: Mona, because I filmed with her I know her the most. Second Jac, I want to see more of her, Victoria is hilarious, Monsé sweeet girl but giving “Mona’s friend of’. The other one can go back to the trenches. She won’t be missed

Andy: Kirstin who has the hottest significant other…Hillary, Alessandra, or Barbie

Kirstin: Wow Andy wow… *sips drink* you want them to add more names to that list don’t you. *laughs*

Andy: *smirks* Just doing my job! Well, thank you Ren & Kirstin, the word of the night was Hillary and we said it 10 times! Tune in same time tomorrow to see Taylor Thompson and Erika Divinity! Goodnight!



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